
Since the beginning of civilizations, each community has needed a space that adequately accomplish the requirements of its historical moment, thus, the most primitive peoples needed to overcome some particular challenges of their age, for which the ability to adapt, overcome and progress of the human being were the vital tools in the development of the diverse peoples. Over time, human needs and expectations have changed in order to develop the feeling of fullness, freedom and well-being, thereby, societies have adapted to constantly respond to the demands of comfort, giving the best quality in adaptation of the different spaces we inhabit, because all people require particular and specific conditions to be satisfied. Reason why, when we talk about a space to (fully or completely) inhabit, we need an environment that not only meets what is necessary, but also gives complete satisfaction from attention to detail, exclusivity, punctuality and reliability.

  When we talk about inhabiting (from lat. habitāre.) a space, we refer to living or dwelling in a certain place, but inhabiting is something deeper, it leads us to the place where we are not only going to stay, it is the a place that fully satisfies us with its usefulness, that its function fully tends the particular requirements of the subject who needs to make a space their own, adapting it to their interest, including the elements of luxury and pleasure that the person requires to feel fullness, satisfaction and freedom. Zaha Hadid[1] once said the following“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On one hand it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” By this she means that contemporary men not only need a space to stay or sleep, they seek more than that in the space they are going to inhabit, they hope to satisfy their likes pleasantly, adapting it with artistic or virtuous touches.

 The concept of art has its origins in Latin and Greek, from the Latin "ars" it encompasses all the creations made by the human being, with which he seeks to express a sensitive vision or experience of the world, a way of consciously conceiving the world representing such conception from shapes and figures; On the other hand, its origin from the Greek comes from the ancient concept, ἀρετή (aretḗ), which was understood as 'excellence' or ‘virtue’, an indispensable ability to skillfully overcome every obstacle. In conclusion, art is all human creation born from virtue or unique ability, this is very useful to make the environments we inhabit the perfect and expected place, managing to fully enjoy free time thanks to all their effort and constant work.

In ancient times[2], the Pythagoreans, the Sophists, Socrates and in general all the philosophers identified art as creations in which there was an objective beauty and perfect proportions, balanced, simple, but rich, completely harmonious, born of inspiration, which generate pleasure from contemplation or utility responding appropriately to needs. Platón affirms that Socrates said "Beautiful is what serves its aim and adapts to its purpose", this reflection unified to the sophist ideal of beauty as "that which suits likes" makes clear the vision of art as something that preserves the beauty of the useful and the pleasant (CFR, when beauty was objective and the theory of art was born. The aesthetic ideas of the Pythagoreans, Democritus, the sophists and Socrates).

  All of us, when living in a space, seek to feel trust (hope or security), since it is the fundamental basis of tranquility and reliability, it is the basis of fullness, but it is not easy to achieve or generate. The plenitude finds its origins in the Latin "plenus", it refers to something that does not lack any element to be complete, a global study that does not lose any element from its gaze. Aristotle affirms in his studies that most of the desires of men revolve "on the aspiration to perfection, that is, the fullness of understanding and happiness"[3], from the above we could say that man is evoked to perfection, attainable through education and perfection of acts, the development of virtue broadly and fully, the tendency to the absolute. Another element that is generated when reaching fullness is reliability. Societies have always sought to have reliable spaces, where they can trust their integrity, where full growth is achieved in all fields of social life.

Then, man as a being who seeks to develop fully, also wants to feel confident in a pleasant space that gives him happiness, for which he must count on the goals he undertakes with a staff of complete reliability, where respect, honesty , the care and trust that can be given between the different people make it possible for them to develop these individual goals and projects. Trust allows us to feel fully free and happy people, this is an important element that people we trust must have, it is achieved through basic but fundamental elements, such as punctuality, honor, repudiation of corruption, and in general, the development of the necessary values to have calm, cordial and respectful lives, in conclusion, free and calm lives that lead us to be happy, or as Aristotle would say, full lives where we achieve the highest good (εὐδαιμονία[4]).

  Currently we all want to live a full life experience, of integral quality, where the fruits of our honest work give us enough peace of mind to feel free and confident, Witold Rybczynsky said that "The most beautiful house in the world is the one you build for yourself”, with the above it is understood that each person does things in the best way when they have a feeling of personal motivation, which is to give their best. That is why we must count on the support of those who at all times want to produce elements superior enough to be called art, subjects who want to fully develop all their capacity and artistic virtue, guaranteeing the realization of things from honesty, quality, optimization of the resources and the feeling of responsibility, in order to reach the fullness of life. All of the above is achieved through constant effort and the achievement of goals, the search for full and comprehensive development, the total development of virtue, which produces tranquility and the freedom to feel confident, which leads us to the highest goal, the eudaimonic happiness of the fully satisfying life.

  Achieving all of the above is not easy, feeling completely calm and confident can become a somewhat complex goal, which can be achieved through efficiency, adaptation, compliance, discipline and punctuality, this is something that has no value some, it is a state of superior well-being that is achieved through hard and constant work, by taking care of every detail. Many might agree that nobody does things better than oneself, but whoever does things better is the one who dedicates himself to what is virtuous, who does things paying attention to all the details and does them as if they were for himself, ergo, who gives all of himself at all times, who puts his essence in everything he does, who does things as one would do them, but better for his skill and ability to turn something day-to-day into art. Only then, trust and tranquility will accompany us when leaving things in the hands of others, because quality, honesty, honor and exclusivity have no price or value, and more so when we talk about fulfill the goals we seek to be happy and feel comfortably free enjoying an artistic space of contemplation.

[1]   Anglo-Iraqi architect, coming from the current of deconstructivism.

[2] Classical period of Greece dating back mainly to the 5th and 4th centuries B.C.


[4]    eudaimonía 'dicha, felicidad'. Estado de satisfacción sobre la vida.

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